Thursday, January 17, 2008

The bowels of bad code

Sometimes when wading deep into the bowels of a horrendously fiendish code base I will go through various stages of mental anguish on my way to a total mental breakdown.

Stage 1: Bewilderment and questioning. Things like "how does this even work?" "Are you sure this works?" "Can someone show me this running in production, I don't believe this works".

Stage 2: Cursing, anger, and fear. "Fuck". "OMFG, no way this shit can be this bad." "What the fuck could they have been thinking." "Dear God, please help..."

Stage 3: Laughter. The mind has begun to lose it's hold on the fabric of reality. There is a small tearing sound originating from behind the right ear, followed by snickers and then belly laughs. After a while you realize the laughter is coming from your own mouth.

Stage 4: Tears. Crocodiles only dream of weeping tears this big and perfect.

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